node -v
sudo npm cache clean -f
sudo npm install n -g
sudo n stable
sudo n m.m.m
npm help [command]
npm -v
npm ls
npm ls -g
npm ls --depth=0
npm ls --depth=0 -g
npm view <module>[@version] dependencies
# first, cd to any package cd my-projects/example-1/node_modules/<module> # then list its dependencies npm ls
# install the grunt command-line utility globally (so it can be added to the system path and enable it to be used in any directory). sudo npm install -g grunt-cli
# install grunt for use by lab-kit-js (optionally add --save-dev to auto-update the package.json file). cd /Users/George/Projects/html5/lab-kit-js sudo npm install grunt --save-dev # install grunt for use by css-lab (optionally add --save-dev to auto-update the package.json file). cd /Users/George/Projects/html5/css-lab sudo npm install grunt --save-dev
npm uninstall <module> [-g] [--save|--save-dev|--save-optional]
npm update npm -g
npm update
npm update -g
npm bin -g
npm root -g